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Consuming gooseberry juice can help your skin age slowly. As you begin to age, you would always want to look younger and that is one particular phase of growing older. However, who does not want to look young? So, simply just make some amla juice and add some honey to it and drink it. This drink has loads of antioxidants in it that can make your skin look better and beat ageing cells. Vitamin C is found in amla and this aids in glowing skin. Regularly drinking amla juice will prevent premature ageing, fine lines, dark spots and wrinkles.
You can also make amla paste and apply it over the affected area of your face and leave it to dry for not more than 15 minutes. This will fight pimples, fine lines and reduce scarring done by acne. It is a natural blood purifier that keeps pimples and the after-effects of acne away. Thus, amla juice gives you flawless skin.
High amounts of collagen contents in your skin help in skin firmness and make your skin appear soft. Regular consumption of amla juice boosts vitamin C levels and helps increase the production of collagen level in your skin. This will make your skin look soft and youthful.
Applying or drinking amla juice is said to cleanse your skin and reduced skin pigmentation. All you need to do is to apply some amla juice onto your face and once this dries, make sure that you use a small piece of cotton and wipe it away. Also, keep your eye closed when you are doing this. Doing this on a regular basis will lighten skin marks and reduce skin pigmentation.
Amla juice is said to rejuvenate your skin and add an extra layer of skin brightness that will make your skin outshine itself. How more confident can you get with your skin appearing all bright and vibrant. This adds to some extra boost of your self-confidence. Also, amla juice is an excellent cleanser whether it is applied directly or consumed. This will help remove dead cells and make promote anti-ageing.
Gooseberries can do good for your hair by making it seem smooth and silky. This has been used as a herbal treatment for preventing dandruff and dry hair for over centuries in India. Here are some hair benefits that gooseberry can offer.
Does your heart crave for straight hair? Well, you must be trying some hair straightening machines or creams in the past that have more chances of damaging your hair. Did you know that gooseberry paste was a natural hair straightener? Yes, gooseberry paste or juice have the tendency to repair your hair follicles and boosts hair growth. All you need to do is to add some amla juice over your scalp and leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Once it dries you can rinse it off with some lukewarm water. This will leave you stronger and will give it an extra layer of shine.
One of the first signs of ageing fast is premature greying of hair. This can become a nightmare for those who are young, but you need to understand that this is something very serious. So, how do you prevent your hair from greying? It’s simple, all you need to do is to add some gooseberries juice to your hair and leave it dry for 30 minutes. Amla juice is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants that can prevent hair fall and premature greying.
Dandruff can be a very serious situation to handle, especially, this is said to pull down your confidence in public. There are many anti-dandruff shampoos and creams out there in the market, but why not try something natural and put a complete stop to dandruff. Try amla juice and this will repair broken strands of hair and give it an extra layer of shine.
Amla juice acts as a great conditioner for your hair and gives a smooth and shiny finish. All you need to do is to mix some amla juice with some henna and gently apply it on your scalp. This will make your hair look healthy and once this is dried, you can wash it away with some lukewarm water to give you that extra smoothness and shine.
You may encounter loads of hair related problems during your teenage and as you enter in adulthood, the worst hair problem you would begin to face is greying. However, if you are facing any hair problems such as dandruff, premature greying, dryness of hair etc, then you definitely need to try amla juice. Applying it is the best way that you can fight any of the above-listed hair problems.